Plugins Use

  1. Really Simple CSV Importer
  2. Duplicate Remover

FuneralNet Files

  1. csvs/DeathRecord.csv
  2. csvs/FRPPhoto.csv
  3. csvs/RegisterBook.csv
  4. picturefront runner siteID DeathRecordStub

Here’s how :

  1. Extract all file csvs.tar and picture.tar using 7zip
  2. Import all CSV using your phpmyadmin to the database where your wordpress setup
    • Rename them according to the name of csv file
    • Files need to upload
      1. DeathRecord.csv
      2. FRPPhoto.csv
      3. RegisterBook.csv
  3. Upload all images from DeathRecordStub folder to the images folder of your domain using filezilla
  4. Extract All the column needed for the post  using the sql command below :


    SELECT DeathRecord.DeathRecordId as reference_id,

    CONCAT(DeathRecord.GivenName, ‘ ‘, DeathRecord.MiddleName, ‘ ‘, DeathRecord.LastName) as post_title,

    DeathRecord.Obituary as post_content,

    DATE_FORMAT(DeathRecord.DateOfDeath,’%Y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S’) as post_date,

    CONCAT(‘’, (Select Id FROM FRPPhoto Where

    DeathRecordId = DeathRecord.DeathRecordId  ), ‘/’,(Select Name FROM FRPPhoto Where DeathRecordId =

    DeathRecord.DeathRecordId LIMIT 1 ), ‘.jpg’) as post_thumbnail,

    CONCAT(‘Obituaries’) as post_category,

    CONCAT(‘publish’) as post_status,

    CONCAT(‘post’) as post_type

    FROM  `DeathRecord`

    LEFT JOIN FRPPhoto ON ( FRPPhoto.DeathRecordId = DeathRecord.DeathRecordId )


  5. Export the output the sql above  as CSV
  6. Import the CSV using Really Simple CSV Importer
  7. Check for duplicate using Duplicate Remover
    • Delete all duplicate
  8. Extract all condolences using the SQL below:[php]SELECT

    wp_posts.ID as comment_post_ID,

    RegisterBook.`FromName` as comment_author,

    RegisterBook.`FromEmail` as comment_author_email,

    RegisterBook.`Posted` as comment_date,

    RegisterBook.`Message` as comment_content

    FROM `wp_posts`

    LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta ON (wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id)

    LEFT JOIN RegisterBook ON (RegisterBook.`DeathRecordId`= wp_postmeta.meta_value)

    WHERE wp_postmeta.meta_key=’reference_id'[/php]

  9. Export the output the sql above  as CSV
  10. Using phpmyadmin import it to wp_comments  table  as CSV
    • Post specific option
      1. comment_post_ID,comment_author,comment_author_email,comment_date,comment_content
  11. DONE